Exercise 97

Correct mistakes


 You knever know what coud hapen to you wen you go to vork. It was quite a ordinary days. I was working along the streat when I sow a litle child standing on the streat. It was a boy maybi 4  yers old. There was knowbody wit him, so I loked around to check if there is somebady nearby, but i hasn't noticed anybody. I asket the boy were his parents are, but he sad noting. I hasn't know what to do end I didn't  wanted to leeve the boy there alon. I decide to stay wit a boy untill someones appears. The boy stil hasn't talked. At one moment, he startet runing. I don't now wat to do, so I stertet runing to. Wen I reach the boy I grabed him for his litlle jacked to stop her, but at the sam moment somebody grabed me for my jacked. I turned bak and sow a bigg dangerable man wit a wery hangry face. He almozt slepet me, but luckili i move my head to the left. 

"What are yo do?" i asket him. 

"You cann't stil my boy" he sad. 

"I doesn't wont to stil your boy. I wontet to look for him untill you arive" i sad.

"I havent asket you to do tis" he sad and tok the boy for his hand.

"But tere were nobady wit her and I was woried" i sad, but the men ant the boy left without the word.

 I feelt a bit confuzed and shocket becuse of mans unpossable reaction.