How to write a short story


A short story can contain three paragraphs:


1. paragraph – Introduction


In the introduction, you set a scene, i.e. describe the place where the main action will take place. It could be like this:


It was a nice, sunny, summer day. The town centre was full of people. In the nearby little park some kids were playing hide and seek. A lot of pigeons were jumping over the town square avoiding passers-by.


If you want to produce more detailed picture in readers minds use more adjectives and adverbs of manner:


It was a nice, sunny, summer day. The town centre was full of busy people. In the nearby little park some cheerful kids were playing hide and seek. Some pigeons were jumping quickly over the washed town square avoiding numerous passers-by. 


2. paragraph – Main action


In this paragraph you should describe the main event of the story. Introduce one problem first and then resolve it slowly.When you are introducing the problem you can use words like SUDDENLY, OUT OF THE BLUE and similar, because they make the reader feel excitement and expect what is going to happen next. You should do everything to enjoy writing and inventing events and actions because it will also be interesting for the reader to read.  At the end of this paragraph you should write how the problem was resolved. Here is an example:


Suddenly, there was a loud sound of car tires in the street.  A little sports car stopped in front of the biggest bank in the town and two people with balaclavas on their heads and shut guns in their hands rushed out of the car. Without looking anywhere they ran into the bank which wasn't guarded by anyone. A few people who were near the bank started running away and one of them took out the mobile and called someone. There hasn't been for two minutes when the robbers got out of the bank without anything in their hands. They got into the car and drove away along the main road towards the outskirts of the town. A few seconds after their escape a local policeman, heavily breathing, rushed into the bank. The people who saw what happened gathered outside to find out what happened. Fortunately, that day the safe was out of service, since the special security lock was somehow broken down. 

3. paragraph – Feelings


In the last paragraph you should write how everybody felt after the problem was resolved and finish the story. Something like this:


At the end, the robbers left without anything in their pockets and the citizens of the little town felt relief after the short, but exciting event, which happened unexpectedly in their usually quiet town. 

It is one of the ways how you can write a short story. Don't forget the most important! You must have fun while you are writing the story and it will also be interesting for the reader to read it.  You can give your story a name. This one can be called "Unlucky robbers".

Enjoy writing!


  P.S. Here is some additional advice that could help you. If you like planning ahead, you can make a time line with events from the beginning to the end even before you start writing a story. And then, you use the events on the timeline to develop them into sentences and paragraphs. This method can make writing easier.

the scene   action 1   action 2       action 3      action 4         action 5           action 6        action 7...  feelings  the end
