The Mission Earth
"John S43 has arrived Mr. Head. Shall I let him in," asked the guard."Of course soldier! Let him in immediately. I can't wait to hear the news," said the commander, Mr. Head.John S43 entered the headquarters and saluted the commander. "I am so glad to see you, John. Tell me everything!" the commander responded."Well, Mr. Head, I don't know where to start. There are so many strange and interesting things. Some of them are funny some of them sad, I am afraid," John S43 said in a disappointing voice. "Tell me what is bad first, then cheer me up with some good news." "The worst thing is that they still kill each other. Even though we predicted that it would take them twenty thousand years to evolve into reasonable creatures, nothing has happened yet. After a thorough study I came to conclusion that one ill person can infect millions of them for a life time, and even worse, they pass the behaviour to next generations." "What do you suggest on that matter?" "I think we could try not to interfere for next thousand years and see if it will get better. If nothing happens, we must take some measures to cure some dangerous individuals and hope that community will start developing in right direction." "Can I hear something encouraging now?" the commander said. "Yes, they have made advances in technology and almost reached some of eternal laws of the Universe. The fact that they are working on immortality, while on the other side they destroy each other, is quite puzzling." "There is something that we need to learn from them, although I don't know how," John S43 said a bit confused. "They call it entertainment. It actually means that they do a lot of strange activities which produce nothing but body movement and brain states that are a bit unusual for us." "If you find it important and something that could improve our existence I am sending you there again to explore everything and report about that, as you say, ENTERTAINMENT," the commander said."Thank you Mr. Head, I will do my best." John S43 said and left the room."May all stars be with you John," Mr. Head said and continued with his daily plan.